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When Virat Kohli Spoke About Turning Vegetarian Due to a Health Issue: ‘I Felt Amazing…

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Virat Kohli, one of the most iconic and prolific cricketers of our time, is known for his exceptional batting, unmatched fitness, and a relentless pursuit of excellence on the cricket field. However, beyond the boundaries, Kohli’s journey took an unexpected turn when he decided to embrace a vegetarian lifestyle due to a health issue. In this article, we explore the story of when Virat Kohli spoke about this transformation and how it impacted his life.

The Health Issue:

In 2018, Virat Kohli decided to make a significant change in his life by adopting a vegetarian diet. This decision was primarily driven by health concerns. Kohli had been experiencing stomach issues for a while, which were causing discomfort and affecting his overall well-being. After undergoing medical examinations, it was determined that a significant part of the issue could be attributed to his dietary choices.

The Shift to Vegetarianism:

The revelation that his diet was a contributing factor to his health problems prompted Kohli to take action. In an interview with the renowned journalist and film critic Anupama Chopra, he explained his decision to become a vegetarian. Kohli shared that he had been a non-vegetarian for most of his life and had previously followed a diet rich in lean protein sources like chicken and seafood. However, he decided to make the switch to a vegetarian diet to alleviate his stomach troubles and improve his overall health.

Benefits and Impact:

Kohli’s journey into vegetarianism was not just about addressing his health issue; it also brought about a transformation in his lifestyle and perspective. Here are some of the notable benefits and impacts he shared:

  1. Improved Digestion: Kohli’s transition to a vegetarian diet led to better digestion and a reduction in stomach problems. This change allowed him to focus better on his cricket and overall fitness.
  2. Increased Energy: The shift in diet provided Kohli with a boost in energy levels. He stated that he felt “amazing” and more vibrant, which positively influenced his performance on the field.
  3. Ethical Considerations: Beyond health, Kohli mentioned that he started thinking about the ethical and environmental aspects of his diet. He expressed concerns about animal welfare and the impact of a non-vegetarian diet on the planet.
  4. Experimentation: Kohli embraced his new diet with an open mind. He explored a variety of vegetarian dishes and cuisines, discovering flavors and ingredients he had never tried before.
  5. Positive Influence: Kohli’s dietary shift sent a positive message to his fans and followers. Many were inspired to consider healthier dietary choices and explore vegetarian options.

Challenges and Adaptation:

While the transition to a vegetarian diet brought numerous benefits, it was not without its challenges. Kohli acknowledged that he faced moments of temptation, especially when he was around his non-vegetarian friends or during his travels. However, his commitment to his health and well-being enabled him to overcome these challenges.

Kohli also shared that he had to pay close attention to his protein intake after eliminating meat from his diet. He incorporated alternative protein sources such as tofu, beans, and legumes to ensure he received the necessary nutrients for his intense training and cricket matches.

Setting an Example:

Virat Kohli’s decision to become a vegetarian due to health concerns has set an inspiring example for many. Beyond his achievements on the cricket field, his journey to better health and well-being through dietary changes has encouraged others to make mindful choices about what they eat.

In a world where dietary preferences are diverse and personal, Kohli’s story highlights the importance of listening to one’s body and taking steps to address health issues. It also underscores the potential of diet to significantly impact overall well-being and performance, even for elite athletes like Kohli.

The Message of Balance:

Kohli’s journey also sends a message about the importance of balance. While he embraced a vegetarian diet to address health issues, he did not impose this choice on others. He recognized that dietary choices are highly individual and can vary based on cultural, ethical, and personal preferences. Kohli’s experience serves as a reminder that finding the right balance in one’s diet can be a transformative journey, one that is unique to each individual.

Continuing Excellence:

Despite the dietary change, Virat Kohli’s excellence on the cricket field continued to shine. His commitment to fitness, combined with a well-balanced vegetarian diet, contributed to his exceptional performances. He remained a key player for the Indian cricket team and continued to break records and set new standards in the sport.

Kohli’s story serves as an inspiration not only for cricketers but also for anyone striving for better health and well-being. It emphasizes that making informed, mindful choices about one’s diet can have a profound impact on overall quality of life.


Virat Kohli’s decision to become a vegetarian due to a health issue was a turning point in his life. It not only helped him address his stomach problems but also led to a transformative journey toward better health, increased energy, and a deeper awareness of dietary choices. His story inspires others to listen to their bodies, make informed decisions about their diets, and find the balance that works best for them. Virat Kohli’s excellence on the cricket field, combined with his commitment to well-being, showcases the power of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

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